Firing is a critical process step at every enameling shop, because it determines the esthetical and functional properties of the fused enamel coating. In order to continuously achieve good enameling results, it is important to maintain the actual firing conditions at the enameling furnace within strict tolerances.
Regular verification of the actual temperature profile measured on the enamelled object is therefore a common procedure at industrial enameling plants with ISO 9000 quality assurance systems.
Companies with only one enameling furnace and a verification frequency of once per year, will typically outsource these temperature surveys to a specialized company. Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV has the necessary equipment to measure temperature profile(s) at your enameling plant.
Companies with multiple furnaces and/or a high verification frequency, may consider to perform this test inhouse and purchase a state-of-the-art furnace tracker via our webshop.
Beneath a typical example of a temperature profile at a double hooked U-type continuous enameling furnace for cooker components.
Important aspects of firing curves are :
Traditionally temperature measurement within continuous enameling furnaces was done with a so-called Bozsin box. These large & heavy insulated boxes contained a full-size working temperature recorder with paper printer, which was connected via one or multiple thermocouples to an object while both being suspended at the furnace conveyor and passing thru the enameling furnace.
Over time electronics became smaller & smarter and nowadays furnace temperatures profiles are recorded by means of a data logger which is placed in a much smaller thermal barrier. (See picture above)
Upon completion of the test run this data logger is connected with a laptop or PC and the collected data may be processed & analyzed with advanced software. See our webshop for more details.
Optionally it is even possible to have real time data transmitted from the furnace tracker.
As mentioned previously, DTC may perform furnace surveys and measure temperature profiles at your facilities.
Please feel free to contact us for a cost estimation via email or the online form below
Industrial enameling furnace technology
Measurement equipment for industrial furnaces
Furnace inspection
Furnace calibration
Temperature profiling & analyzing
Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV is a family owned company, which was founded by Ronald Ditmer in 2007.
We are specialized in providing worldwide professional services & supplies to the porcelain (vitreous) enameling.
Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV Palissander 141 3315MP Dordrecht The Netherlands
Phone : +31-(0)78-6169877
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