Benefit from our knowledge & experience !

Useful calculations for enamelists

Useful calculators

For our consultancy projects within the enameling industry, we utilize many different calculations & models. To minimize the cost of our advisory services, we have automated frequently used calculations. Below some examples of our calculators, which may also be used on mobile phones thanks to our new responsive webdesign.

Enamel I

Calculate the specific & hourly enamel consumption.


Enamel II

Calculate impact of waste enamel generation.


Enamel III

Calculate water addition for gravity adjustment


Furnace I

Calculate the conveyor speed, hot zone length and hourly gross production for an enameling furnace


Furnace II

Calculate the firing time, which is the theoretical time objects remain in the hot zone of an enameling furnace.


Furnace III

Calculate the specific energy consumption 
of a gas fired enameling furnace.


Payback of investments

Calculate the pay-back period & ROI for capital investments based on anticipated annual savings.



Calculate theoretically required number of powdercoating guns for a conveyorized automatic application



Calculate the cycletime & hourly output of an enameling plant


About Us

Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV is a family owned company, which was founded by Ronald Ditmer in 2007.

We are specialized in providing worldwide professional services & supplies to the porcelain (vitreous) enameling & powdercoating industry.

Benefit from our experience

Our Managing Director & Owner has been personally involved in 50+ industrial porcelain enameling projects since 1984, while working respectively for Ferro (Holland) BV, Smit Ovens BV, Smit Sinus Enameling BV, Nordson Corporation and/or Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV.

Company details

Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV
Palissander 141
3315MP Dordrecht
The Netherlands

Phone : +31-78-6169877
e-mail :

for further information and/or assistance

2025 - Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV

Palissander 141, 3315 MP Dordrecht, The Netherlands | e-mail: | Phone : +31-786169877 | WhatsApp : +31-638-508743