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Looking for a durable corrosion protection of your tanks ?

Porcelain enamel provide a robust "glass-lining" to warm water tanks to protection them against corrosion caused by boiling water and is therefore used by leading manufacturers of electrical boilers, solar water heaters and/or other warm water containing applications.

Enameled mild steel tanks are typically used to eliminate expensive water tanks, made of copper and/or stainless steel, which are less suitable for operation in area's with "poor water".. 

What is a porcelain enamel coating ?

How about corrosion resistance ?

Is our tank suitable for powder enameling ?

Porcelain enamel is a durable glass alike coating, which is fused on a metal substrate. More >> Studies showed that the expected lifetime of enameled boilers is much longer then alternative coatings. More >> Tanks should be made of  mild steel, which is suitable for enameling, and constructed in accordance with.... More >>

industrial porcelain enameling of boilers

What type of equipment is required ?

How much cost a boiler enameling plant ?

How can DTC assist ?

A boiler enameling plant has typically three process steps; metal pretreament, enamel application and firing. More >> The required capital investment for a modern boiler enameling plant depends on a variety of aspects. More >> DTC may provide independent advice & support during all stages of your enameling plant project. More >>

Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV assist companies worldwide by providing knowledge and independent advice about porcelain enameling technology, plants & equipment.

Visit our website at www.ditmer.nl for more info about our B2B services and our contact details.
