Porcelain enamel provide a durable & environmental friendly industrial coating with unequalled functional and/or esthetical properties to wide range of products. Should you apply the enamel coating yourself or is it better to outsourcing the enameling process to specialized jobbers, provided such services are available in the direct vicinity of your factory ? The table below highlights the pro's and con's of in-house enameling compared to outsourcing.
DTC may assist you to identify the appropriate enameling process & equipment for your products, determine the necessary capital investment, estimate the enameling cost and/or provide independent advice for the make/buy decision. Alternatively we may assist you to find a reliable provider of industrial porcelain enameling services near your manufacturing facilities.
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Tags : third party, trade coat, jobbing, outsourcing, internal, in-house, enamel, enameling, enamelling |