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Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV

Professional Services & Supplies

Conversion from traditional batch
to continuous operated enameling plant

Case Story
Continuous enameling plant for cooker components

OEM has a classical batch operated wet enameling plant, which equipment is due for replacement.

Wish to explore latest process & equipment technology and considers the implementation of continuous operation and electrostatic powder application.

DTC provided overview of possible technologies, equipment specifications, concept plant lay-out & resulting CAPEX budgets, based on thorough analyses of coating requirements & product dimensions.

Assisted with identification of suitable equipment manufacturers & technical evaluation of obtained offers and arranged reference visits & application trials at a leading OEM.

continuous enameling plant for cooker parts

Continuous gas heated enameling furnace during assembly & testing


Modern enameling plant for cookers

About Us

Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV is a family owned company, which was founded by Ronald Ditmer in 2007.

We are specialized in providing worldwide professional services & supplies to the porcelain (vitreous) enameling & powdercoating industry.

Company details

Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV
Palissander 141
3315MP Dordrecht
The Netherlands

Phone : +31-78-6169877
e-mail :


for further information and/or assistance

2025 - Ditmer Trading & Consulting BV